My stories
What’s on your table isn’t as important as who sits around it. Sharing stories of family, friends, food, and love.
Hope is on the way…
Kelly Estey is just the brightest most beautiful color blue to me. Robin’s egg, Tiffany blue. Her eyes. Her clothes. We have been friends for a long while. Started our businesses around the same time. And, helped each other along the way.
Conquering Cheesecake
When your greatest fear is rooted in cream cheese, you’ve just got to laugh. The only thing crazier than fearing a dessert is writing about it.
But I cannot lie. Cheesecake is scary.
Date night and an order from the kids menu
Regardless of my job description (it’s changed a lot over the years ) I am always a Mom first. And because of that I understand what it’s like even on date nights to worry about well what are we going to feed the kids???
Back from a little R&R
I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted. While I love my job, I have to say it was so nice to turn off my phone and just enjoy my children for a few days. I spoiled them rotten ...
New Zoom Class for Easton Youth Baseball
Big news!!!! Introducing a new virtual zoom class... this one’s surely something you don’t want to miss....Stromboli and whoopie pies! A double header to support the Easton Youth Baseball League.
My favorite stories
When I was still a reporter, I couldn’t help but become attached to my stories. Even when I was covering the war in Afghanistan in the middle of the desert... I would find people ... write about them and befriend them. They became a part of me. I’m still the same. Only now instead of words and newsprint .... I use food.